What is DiSC?
Everything DiSC Workplace is a profile that provides an understanding of your work style to help you understand and appreciate the styles of the people with whom you work resulting in more effective and productive working relationships.
The Everything DiSC assessment is a behavior assessment tool based on the DISC theory of psychologist William Marston. Marston’s theory centers around four different personality traits: Dominance, Influence, Submission, and Compliance.
This theory was then developed into a personality assessment tool (personality profile test) by industrial psychologist Walter Vernon Clarke.
The version used today was developed from the original assessment by John Geier, who simplified the test for better, more concise results.

- Standard Everything DiSC Assessment
- Everything DiSC on Catalyst
- Catalyst EQ Addon
- Catalyst Management Addon
Includes access to MyEverythingDiSC.com where you can learn more about how your DiSC style impacts your workplace preferences.
• Discover their DiSC® style
• Deepen their understanding of self and others
• Learn how to build better relationships
• Access real-time tips for more effective interactions with colleagues
• Build the foundation for future social and emotional skills training
• Discover the instinctive mindsets that shape their responses and interactions
• Recognize opportunities to stretch beyond what comes naturally to them
• Take action to become more agile in their approach to social and emotional situations
• Discover their DiSC management style
• Develop a set of core management skills that are essential in the modern workplace
• Gain actionable strategies for adapting their management style to each person they manage

Available Profiles
- Everything DiSC Workplace Profile
- Coping & Stress Profile
- Discovering Diversity Profile
- Personal Listening Profile
- Team Dimensions Profile
- Time Mastery Profile
- Work Expectations Profile
- Everything DiSC Management Profile
- Everything DiSC Sales Profile
- Everything DiSC Work of Leaders
- Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders
- Everything DiSC Group Culture Report

Example Profile
An example page from an Everything DiSC Workplace Profile.