Creating the Blueprint of your Future.

Management consultant and author Peter F. Drucker so wisely said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Drucker’s quote indicates the best way to know what’s next for your future is to not only create it, but to design it in such a way that the result transforms your life and the lives of those around you. I used to spend a great deal of time in Corporate America contemplating where I may end up or what would happen next. I figured if I gave it enough time, I would be able to identify certain patterns to forecast the future; after all, it works for meteorologists. After many failed predictions, I began to realize my future was whatever I wanted it to be. All of a sudden, I understood I could not leave my development in the hands of a corporation or anyone else; nor could I simply “work hard” and wait to see where that would lead me. I had awakened to the notion that to create my own future, I would first define my next steps and then design a plan around each of them.

Creativity is an essential tool that can be used to rewrite the standard script of life into a script that brings fulfillment and enjoyment to those brave enough to embrace it. Using the creative process to initially map out your future, you must be courageous enough to envision your life without limits and dream about living the fulfilled life you always imagined. Next, identify the steps to bring those creative images to life. And lastly, make a conscious effort to implement those steps on a daily basis.

After a great deal of reflecting, searching and designing, my creative process led me down a path of entrepreneurship and small business ownership. The creative journey has completely transformed my outlook and approach to life and now, I am a firm believer in the concept that your ideal future is defined in your creative present.

What is the prediction for your future?