Roadblocks to Personal and Professional Success

Have you identified the roadblocks to your own success?

If you are in the process of setting goals, you must first identify the barriers prohibiting the successful completion of those goals. According to statistics, 97%1 of the population does not set or achieve their goals. There are two main reasons for this staggering percentage. First is fear, which is described as false evidence appearing real. The problem with fear is that often-times, the things that appear to be obstacles are only self-imagined barriers to success. Fear can come from either being afraid to fail or even to succeed.

Second, most individuals magnify the risk associated with not seeing the goal being achieved. These self-imagined barriers become so real to individuals, they solidify into mental roadblocks that cause stagnation, inactivity and immobility. To overcome this, a person must mitigate the risk associated with making the attempt and gather the courage and determination necessary to pursue their goals.

Have you put off goals due to a roadblock or another obstacle? If so, identify the roadblock, pinpoint the root cause, create a strategy, set a timeline and move diligently toward achieving those goals.

Remember, challenges make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.